Numerical Operations in SASS Functions

They don’t work.


If you try to do @if statements with comparisons, say < or >, you’ll get an error. If you try any math functions, error. Module ‘math’ won’t be found, or you’ll end up with an undefined operation.

The upside is that you haven’t done anything wrong, and they will work elsewhere. If I find a solution, I’ll update this post.

Github Multiple SSH Accounts

Say you are working for multiple clients and each requires a separate GitHub account, plus your personal account. You can automate logging into all of them.

Step 1: Create your first SSH key.

In GitHub’s instructions, they recommend:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

I slightly modified this to look like:

$ ssh-keygen -f dmrobbins03 -C ""

-f is the encoding type, dmrobbins03 is the file name prefix (it will generate dmrobbins03_id_rsa).

One tutorial ( recommended -f for their keygen, and that looked more familiar to me than the -t output. I am confident that either one works; I was just frustrated at the time.

For me, my config file looked like this:

# Default - dmrobbins03
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/dmrobbins03_id_rsa

You do NOT want to put your default GitHub SSH key under Host * – it will override everything!

I found this counter-intuitive since I assumed increased specificity would have priority. I guess not.

Be sure to follow all of the instructions on the first GitHub link. You’ll need to copy-paste your SSH keys to each of your accounts under Settings > SSH & GPG Keys.

Step 2: Create your second SSH key.

Follow the same instructions as above.

$ ssh-keygen -f clientdavid -C ""

My config then became:

# Default - dmrobbins03
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/dmrobbins03_id_rsa

# Client Account
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/clientdavid_id_rsa

Step 3: Verify

In terminal, use the following commands to verify your SSH is working with GitHub.

ssh -T

If you’re successful, you’ll see this:

Hi dmrobbins03! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Now try your alternate account.

ssh -T

You should see this:

Hi client-david! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.


I wasted more minutes than I should have because I did not notice that both verifications were using my default account. This was because I had set originally up my host to be *.

Now how do you use this damn thing?

Step 4: Using the damn thing.

When you clone a GitHub repository with SSH, your command will look something like this:

git clone

That uses your default account. In order to use your secondary (tertiary, etc) accounts, your command will need to be modified as follows:

git clone

Just change to and that’s it. You’ll have the correct authentication from this point forward.

Additional references:

Converting SVG to an Image via Blob

There are a few important things to keep in mind.

  1. Any CSS will be lost when converting to a Blob.
    • You’ll have to convert all styles to SVG attributes.
  2. SVG resources must be self contained.
    • Fonts will need to be converted to Base64 (this post has a handy tool)
    • Images will need to be converted to Base64

Adding @font-face to an SVG in JSX (React) will look like this:

    <style type='text/css'>
      { `@font-face {
          font-family: SharpSansNo2;
          font-weight: 900;
          font-style: normal;
          src: url(data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,${SharpSansDisplayNo2});
      }` }

Here is my JS for converting my SVG to a Blob. Notice that I clone the element before making modifications, such as converting CSS styles to SVG attributes.

const $clonedSvgElement = $svgElement.cloneNode(true) as SVGElement;

// make any tweaks to colors (such as replacing css variables with calculated values)
const $background = $svgElement.querySelector('[data-background]') as SVGGraphicsElement;
const $clonedBackground = $clonedSvgElement.querySelector('[data-background]') as SVGGraphicsElement;
$clonedBackground.setAttribute('fill', getComputedStyle($background).fill);

const $textElements = $svgElement.querySelectorAll('text');
const $clonedTextElements = $clonedSvgElement.querySelectorAll('text');
for (let i = 0; i < $clonedTextElements.length; i++) {
const $textElement = $textElements[i];
const $clonedTextElement = $clonedTextElements[i];
const computedStyles = getComputedStyle($textElement);
const attributes = {
  color: computedStyles.color,
  fill: computedStyles.color,
  'font-family': 'SharpSansNo2',
  'font-size': computedStyles.fontSize,
  'font-weight': computedStyles.fontWeight,
  'letter-spacing': computedStyles.letterSpacing
for (const key in attributes) {
  const value = key ? attributes[key] : '';
  if (value) {
    $clonedTextElement.setAttribute(key, value);

// export current state to HTML
const data = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString($clonedSvgElement);

// generate blob with base64 data of image
const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8' });
const URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

// generate image with canvas data (to convert to PNG and other formats)
const image = new Image();
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = this.currentPoster.width * scale;
canvas.height = this.currentPoster.height * scale;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let png: string;

// wait for image to load
image.onload = () => {
if (context) {
  context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this.currentPoster.width * scale, this.currentPoster.height * scale);
  png = canvas.toDataURL();

  // trigger download
  const download = function (href, name) {
    const link = document.createElement('a'); = name; = '0';
    link.href = href;;
  download(png, 'sddw-poster.png');
image.src = blobURL;

Next.JS Newbie Lessons

  1. <Link href="/home"> all need to start with a /. If they do not, there will be a local/server synchronization error.
  2. Pay close attention to which arrow functions are strictly returns (which are wrapped in parenthesis) versus those that are not. Examples:

    Arrow function purely as a return:
    {{ id }) => ( <>Poop { id }</> );

    Normal arrow function:
    {{ id }) => { return <>Poop { id }</>; };

Connect BitBucket Pipelines to FortRabbit

  1. Generate SSH key in BitBucket.
  2. Add the SSH key to the FortRabbit server via terminal.
    1. ssh
    2. cd ~/.ssh
    3. vi authorized_keys
    4. Paste the BitBucket SSH key.
    5. Press escape, then type : and wq to write and quit.
  3. In BitBucket, add the FortRabbit url found in SFTP tab as a known host. The fingerprint should be generated automatically.
  4. Create a bitbucket-pipelines.yml file in your project root. The code below is a good starting template.

image: php:7.0.0
- step:
deployment: staging
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip git ssh
- git remote add fortrabbit
- git push fortrabbit your-project-name -f

  1. Note that your-project name should also match one of your branch names. This branch will be used to deploy. Other branches will still push to BitBucket but won’t be uploaded onto FortRabbit.