Git: Get All Branches (even new remotes)


git fetch --all (or git remote update)
git pull --all

Important for projects with multiple remotes:
git checkout -t origin/branch-name

This last piece will prevent a detached-head situation when adding branches that currently only exist on remote.


Bitbucket + FortRabbit (or how to Git with multiple remotes)

Say you are using FortRabbit, which runs its own Git repository just for deployment purposes. You want commit history and user control, so you want something else like BitBucket as your primary repository.

You can have both (wow).

Step 1: Create a new repository in BitBucket. Do NOT create a readme file. There has to be no commit history or you will receive errors from FortRabbit.

Step 2: Clone your FortRabbit repository into a new folder on your computer. Let’s use double-repo for this example.

Step 3: Follow the steps below to remove FortRabbit as double-repo‘s remote and add BitBucket. Then push all the files to BitBucket.

Step 4: Add FortRabbit as a remote using the syntax below. This will provide a unique name for the remote (fortrabbit) rather than the default, origin:

Now the repositories have shared histories. It’s important that both repositories were synched when they were new to avoid history conflicts (which are more difficult when the repositories are managed without controls, by FortRabbit for example).

Now you can:

  • Push to BitBucket with git push origin master.
  • Push to FortRabbit with git push fortrabbit master.
  • Add new contributers to BitBucket without allowing them deployment privileges.


Migraines around period season and on the pill?

From our guest editor, Fush.

I was on an estrogen-based pill, called Cyclessa from 2007- 2015. This pill was selected for me by Planned Parenthood due to it being low-dose and available there. After I got my own health insurance, I stayed on it because I wasn’t aware it was causing negative side effects. In 2015, I got off the pill and noticed two things.

A) ~5lb immediate weight loss.
2) No more migraines.

From 2012-2015, I had seen a series of specialists to try and get rid of the migraines, since they were debilitating and I was having 3-5 migraine days per month, most of which were incapacitating. I would generally blow through all my sick-time every year just on migraines. The specialists had me do things like track my migraines in a journal, take medication that lowered my blood pressure to the point that when I did somewhat strenuous activity, I would be on the verge on passing out. Finally, they settled on keeping me on the same pill but making it continuous (no periods) for 3 months at a time. I would skip most of those migraines, but still have some, and generally a few right before and after that period.

It turns out there was a far simpler option.

Switch birth controls.

I’m not sure why no doctor ever suggested this. I just recently started using the Nuvaring, which has the same hormones as an estrogen mix pill but at much lower levels, and I am not suffering from migraines (I have other side effects of course).

I’m also not sure why they didn’t have me switch to a monophasic birth control pill since the migraines were from the fluctuation in hormones.

Secondly, I had a Mirena IUD from 2015-2017 and I had no migraines, periods, or any real issues of that nature during that time (other side effects of course, cystic acne and depression).

Pixel 2 – USB C Cable Won’t Stay In

For weeks, my USB-C cable kept getting looser and looser, eventually falling out while I slept and sometimes leaving me with a dead phone in the morning.

I was going to throw my Pixel out the window and not replace it with anything except maybe a piece of wood (because I am not buying an iPhone)…

HOWEVER, the internet said ‘dig in the USB C female hole with a bent staple and see if there’s any lint needing removal’. So I did. Tada.

Fixed like your momma shoulda been.